Privacy Policy

(A) Who we are: We are Kangshi, a developer of mobile applications. In this policy, all references to "Kangshi," "our," or "we" refer to Kangshi. All references to "applications" in this policy refer to our applications that can be downloaded on mobile devices.

(B) Our values and the purpose of this policy: We value your privacy and aim to be responsible, fair, and transparent in how we collect and use your personal information. We also want you to understand the rights associated with the information you can find here.

(C) Who this policy applies to: This policy applies to users of our applications and individuals who contact our customer support department.

(D) Contents of this policy: This privacy policy describes the following important topics related to your information:
1. Collection of your personal information and how we use it:
- The duration for which we retain your personal information.
- Risks and how we protect the security of your personal information.
- Changes to this privacy policy.
- Children.
- More questions and how to make complaints.

Details - Key information you should know.
2. Collection of your personal information and how we use it:
For the security of your personal privacy, our application requires the use of biometrics, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, for login. We do not collect any information related to biometrics. If biometrics are not set up, you will need to set a login password, which is stored locally on your device. Any information generated during your use is stored locally on your device, and we do not upload or transfer it to any other location.
- The duration for which we retain your personal information, which is automatically and completely erased upon uninstalling the application.
- The main risks in processing your personal information are loss, theft, or misuse. This could result in unauthorized individuals gaining access to your personal information and potentially using or disclosing information you wish to keep confidential. Therefore, we use a login-required approach to minimize the risk of such losses.
- We may update our privacy policy from time to time. Any changes we make to the privacy policy will be provided to you through the privacy policy accessible in our application. Please check back frequently for any updates or changes to our privacy policy.
- Children:
- You must be at least 13 years old to purchase products or services from us.
- Our website and services are not directed at children under this age, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under this age.
- If you are under 13 years old and we unintentionally obtain your personal information from our website or any other source, we will promptly delete that information.
5. More questions and how to make complaints:
- If you have any questions or complaints regarding the collection, use, or storage of your personal information, or if you wish to exercise any rights related to your personal information, please contact [email protected]. We will investigate and attempt to resolve any such complaints or disputes regarding the use or disclosure of your personal information.
- According to Article 77 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you can also lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office or the data protection supervisory authority in the country/region where you usually reside or work, or where the alleged violation of the General Data Protection Regulation has occurred. Alternatively, if you believe your rights have been violated, you can seek remedies through the courts.

(E) What you need to do and your acknowledgment to us:
Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand how we handle your personal information. By interacting with us in the manner prescribed in this privacy policy, including downloading and using any of our applications, you acknowledge that you have read and